
Сообщения за январь, 2024
Binance returns market share What happened was, in principle, long overdue. Binance, which was the victim of regulators, somehow quietly returned to the leading position. At the beginning of the year the attack on Binance and CZ began. One by one lawsuits from US and European regulators followed, and criminal investigations were launched against CZ.  Senior managers left Binance for fear of legal consequences. Customers were also wary of the company’s future. CZ resisted until the last. Having actually lost the American market, Binance concentrated on Asia, Africa and Latin America. Some of the regional expansion was successful, but pressure from regulators was exerted and the CZ was threatened with arrest. Finally, the CZ failed and accepted the terms of the surrender. The Crypto Exchange paid the US Department of Justice a $4.3 billion fine and CZ ceded the management of the exchange to the manager who agreed with the authorities. This established control over the largest crypto exch
Topic of the Day — the SEC Continues Its Terror and Has Already Reached DeFi. Polygon Labs Was the First to Call It a Day It seems that Polygon Labs is trying to find a compromise with regulators who are tightening control over decentralized finance. It seems that this could not have happened without the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) itself. Polygon Labs' recent proposal to take control of tools in the DeFi sector seems strange, since decentralized protocols, by definition, cannot be controlled centrally. At first it may seem that all this is some kind of nonsense. What is it like, decentralized finance under the control of third parties? This is generally against the very idea of decentralization! Perhaps this is an attempt to reassure the SEC and show that the company is ready to cooperate within the law. While at first glance it looks like Polygon Labs is asking them to “put themselves under control,” in reality they are simply trying to protect their business from
Important Announcement on Metaverse Security In a compelling article , Vladimir Okhotnikov, a dedicated crypto enthusiast and fervent advocate of decentralization, explores the evolving landscape of crime within metaverses. He astutely observes the rapid development of the IT industry, forecasting the inevitable integration of metaverses into our daily lives. #MetaverseSecurity #VladimirOkhotnikov #DecentralizationAdvocate #VirtualReality #CyberSecurity
Vladimir Okhotnikov on Economic Freedom Exploring the roots of economic freedom , Okhotnikov highlights the concept's origins in the 18th century by Adam Smith and its earlier echoes in the 14th century with Ibn Khaldun. Business freedom, deeply rooted in philosophical concepts like Taoism, shapes our understanding of the universe based on freedom, moral principle, and inner integrity. Evolving from Taoism, modern libertarianism adapts and transforms these fundamental values. However, the envisioned full liberalization has not proven to be a universal solution. The transition from early capitalism to the present model has seen challenges in realizing genuine business freedom. Okhotnikov urges an objective examination of business freedom, questioning the extent of the perceived choice within capitalism. Despite the notion of freedom, countless laws and regulations impose pressure on businesses, with some deemed harmful to the public good. #EconomicFreedom #PhilosophyOfFreedo
Vladimir Okhotinikov delves into the world of crypto fraud   Renowned cryptocurrency and blockchain expert, Vladimir Okhotinikov, addresses the alarming rise of fraud in the cryptocurrency industry in his latest article and sheds light on the industrial-scale fraud, resulting in substantial financial losses. #CryptocurrencyFraud #BlockchainSecurity #CyberCrime #CryptoChallenges #FraudPrevention
Crypto vs Fiat: Who Will Determine the Future We have to face the view that the current fiat financial system satisfies the needs of our civilization, that everything is good, payments pass, credits are issued, and anything to change is harmful and wrong. Therefore, cryptocurrencies are a random phenomenon and objectively unnecessary. I would reformulate the issue a bit: if the fiat system is all right, cryptocurrencies would not appear. Then something is going wrong in our beautiful world. What is it exactly?  Let us simply take the view of one of those who supports the viability of the global financial infrastructure.  JP Morgan chairman Jamie Daimon commented on US state debt. The financier used vivid epithets, stating that the country is moving at 60 miles per hour to the cliff and would reach it in about 10 years. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has admitted that she is scared of US state debt. A year ago, officials sounded much more optimistic, and public debt was considered s
Few words about CBDC The world is actively discussing various CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) implementation projects.  China is testing the digital yuan and seriously expects its introduction into the financial system, Russia presented a roadmap for digital ruble testing. At the same time, in the UK, there is an active discussion about the digital pound. No time frame or functionality has yet been defined. The Bank of England has stated that this topic needs to be seriously considered, and a decision may not be taken until 2025. Gentlemen are in no hurry. The most principled discussions take place in the US.. The discussion is intensified by the current electoral campaign. The Fed is working on its own digital dollar, and presidential candidate Donald Trump says he will never allow it. Why did such contradictions arise? In public opinion the development and release of CBDC is often perceived as support by the authorities for crypto business. It’s actually a completely different p
New Era of Binance   Changpeng Zhao (aka CZ) was refused access to the UAE by an American court because he was under investigation. The CZ offered a bail of $4.5 billion, but the offer was rejected. Despite Binance surrender and the actual transfer to the US, the restrictions on freedom remain, and the former owner of Binance will have to wait for a court verdict on American soil. A year ago, it seemed that Binance had built a strategy to counter legal attacks. In the United States and Europe, the crypto exchange received painful legal injections, and investigations were conducted against the CZ itself. However, Binance responded by stepping up its work in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. However, it was not possible to resist for a long time. The company could still maintain its position for some time, but it was clear that competitors were getting ahead. We do not know what Zhao was told, but he fully accepted the terms of the Americans: came to the country, gave control over Binance
What Has No End Has No Value - Definitely This Is Not About Crypto In January 2018, South Korea was the first to introduce restrictions on cryptocurrency trading. At the same time, the Stripe payment system stopped supporting Bitcoin , and the famous billionaire investor George Soros described the cryptocurrency as a “bubble.” However, a few years later, in October 2021, a representative of Soros’s hedge fund stated that “ the fund’s investment portfolio includes Bitcoin .” He also noted that cryptocurrencies have moved from the category of speculative assets to the mainstream. And at the same time, unconfirmed information appeared that the famous George Soros allowed specialists from his investment fund Soros Fund Management to carry out transactions with cryptocurrencies. And here’s how George Soros’s rhetoric changed a few years later. At the Bloomberg Invest Summit 2023 in June, Soros Fund Management CEO Dawn Fitzpatrick said, “... Cryptocurrency will continue to exist and develop
The Eiffel Tower Burned Down Photos of the supposedly burning Eiffel Tower have gone viral on the Internet. These shots instantly gained popularity on social networks TikTok and Instagram. However, it soon became clear that in fact there was no fire — all these photos were generated by the Midjourney neural network. Then videos of “fire” appeared, also created by artificial intelligence. Well, we assessed the capabilities of neural networks to create convincing but fake images and videos. We are entering a new era where it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish truth from lies. Well, for those who are shuddered by the news about the success of artificial intelligence, I can say one thing — in fact, in most areas, human labor is still cheaper than the implementation of complex AI systems. For example, a recent study from MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) stated that automating bakery product quality assessment using artificial intelligence is
The SEC vs business I often write about the regulation of business and the relationship between business and government. My position is simple and clear: the less regulation, the better, the ideal - zero impact of the state on business. My position is the exact opposite of that of the SEC head Gary Gensler. In his view, regulation would increase the efficiency of American markets and thus the economy. Bloomberg has issued an article stating that giants of Wall Street believe that the SEC’s activities cause real harm to the business, and suffer not only crypto business, but almost all the markets. The Commission is interested in everything from crypto to carbon emission and AI. The financiers believe that Gensler and the Commission are exceeding their authority. The activities of the Commission affect too many, depriving them of profit and reducing their effectiveness.  Crypto business is a very illustrative example of his work. So, the stated goal is to increase business efficiency and
To Pay or Not to Pay in the Metaverse?   Explore Vladimir Okhotnikov's insightful analysis on the delicate balance between payment and audience coverage in the evolving Metaverse. His research delves into the impact of monetization on user interests and the long-term sustainability of virtual services. This research serves as a crucial starting point for both investors and users, offering a realistic understanding of the industry and guiding future strategies. Vladimir emphasizes the fine line between greed and monetization, drawing lessons from the fate of AltaVista and urging for an optimal balance. #MetaverseMonetization #UserInterests #VirtualEconomy #DigitalStrategy #VladimirOkhotnikovAnalysis
Stay informed, stay secure Renowned expert Vladimir Okhotnikov sheds light on the rising threat of fraud in the crypto business . With a vast background in cryptocurrencies and blockchain, Okhotnikov, an esteemed investor and developer of large-scale blockchain projects, emphasizes the escalating nature of fraudulent activities in the crypto sphere. " Crypto fraud is certainly becoming a serious problem. And the wider the penetration of cryptocurrencies into our lives, the more interest they arouse among fraudsters. The problem is that in most cases users do not pay enough attention to security. Although it is not always possible to protect against all IT threats, it is almost always possible to minimize risks and limit losses… ," warns Vladimir Okhotnikov. Okhotnikov's expertise highlights the unique challenges posed by fraud in the crypto business, with scammers exploiting blockchain and cryptocurrency specifics to orchestrate attacks with staggering financial imp
I Love Looking at Charts, They Calm Me Down They say the economy is not doing well. Even Jerome Powell, head of the Central Bank of America, gave a fiery speech on Christmas Eve: “ I think there is always the possibility that there will be a recession next year [2024], that is a real possibility, regardless of the current state of the economy. ” Only the values of the S&P 500 index indicate the opposite - for the first time since January 2022, the value of shares of the 500 largest companies listed on the US stock exchange is at its peak. It turns out strangely, the head of the Central Bank of America claims that if inflation or other risks to the US economy grow contrary to expectations, the Federal Reserve will continue to tighten monetary policy. And this is at a time when the stock market is clearly being pumped up. After all, if there are problems with the economy, then where does the money come from! Well, let's look back. The stock market crash of 1929 was caused by a se
Exciting Insights on Business in Metaverses by Vladimir Okhotnikov Dive into the intriguing discussion on business niches, economic growth, and the evolving landscape of the crypto market. Vladimir Okhotnikov provides valuable insights that challenge conventional norms. #BusinessInMetaverses #EconomicFreedom #CryptoInsights #MarketEvolution #InnovationHub  
Vladimir Okhotnikov Reveals Insights on Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoins & Ripple Connection Unveiling Mysteries : Discover who periodically sends coins to Satoshi's address and the motives behind it. Vladimir Okhotnikov sheds light on a mysterious transaction involving $1.2 million sent to Satoshi Nakamoto's account on January 5th, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of Bitcoin's first transaction. #SatoshiNakamoto #BitcoinMysteries #RippleConnection #CryptocurrencyInsights #SECRegulations  
The Great Depression Can Happen Again   Recently, there has been a lot of reports about fraudulent activities related to crypto. Mark Scott, a lawyer, is accused of laundering millions of dollars through OneCoin. The South Korean community has expressed doubts that the new Binance project Launchpool MANTA is not a scam. The director of the Brooklyn company USI Tech was arrested on charges of cryptocurrency fraud amounting to over $150 million. Even the church is not trusted - in Colorado, for the sale of the “God-backed” INDXcoin crypto token the SEC threatened pastor Eligio “Eli” Regalado and his wife Kaitlyn with lawsuit for deceiving parishioner-parishioners. I don’t presume to judge, and I rarely criticize anyone. But apparently history teaches people nothing. After all, the collapse of Wall Street hit the economy hard, the echo of which echoed throughout the world for a long time. As we know, the late 1920s saw a surge in speculative interest in company shares. By September 3, 192
About the World Economic Forum The Swiss Davos is hosting a World Economic Forum. You may have noticed that I often talk about elites. By elites, I mean groups of people who have usurped decision-making power. They define what is good, what is bad, what is moral, and what is immoral. They determine how the world economy should develop.  The Davos Forum is a unique exhibition of elites. This event is considered one of the main political economic events in the world. However, it does not mean that it is. Indeed, it brings together corporate leaders, heads of state and government, politicians, opinion leaders... All those who have recently decided the fate of the world. The world is changing so fast and so much that the elites of yesterday may very soon be lost and forgotten. They represent the State in its worst sense - as an instrument of total control in their own self-interest. In effect, they replaced normal capitalism with an unnatural mixture of socialism and totalitarianism. They