The Eiffel Tower Burned Down

Photos of the supposedly burning Eiffel Tower have gone viral on the Internet. These shots instantly gained popularity on social networks TikTok and Instagram.

However, it soon became clear that in fact there was no fire — all these photos were generated by the Midjourney neural network. Then videos of “fire” appeared, also created by artificial intelligence.

Well, we assessed the capabilities of neural networks to create convincing but fake images and videos. We are entering a new era where it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish truth from lies.

Well, for those who are shuddered by the news about the success of artificial intelligence, I can say one thing — in fact, in most areas, human labor is still cheaper than the implementation of complex AI systems.

For example, a recent study from MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) stated that automating bakery product quality assessment using artificial intelligence is not economically feasible.

“AI costs were about $165,000, and annual maintenance cost $122,840. When it took 17% less to pay employees’ annual salaries — only $240,000.”

Therefore, specialists like bakers and representatives of many other professions can rest assured for now — in the foreseeable future, AI systems will not replace human experience and creativity.

Of course, technology will continue to improve, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely displace people.

#AI #neuralnetworks #machinelearning #MIT #automation #design #videoediting


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