About the World Economic Forum

The Swiss Davos is hosting a World Economic Forum. You may have noticed that I often talk about elites. By elites, I mean groups of people who have usurped decision-making power. They define what is good, what is bad, what is moral, and what is immoral. They determine how the world economy should develop. 

The Davos Forum is a unique exhibition of elites. This event is considered one of the main political economic events in the world. However, it does not mean that it is. Indeed, it brings together corporate leaders, heads of state and government, politicians, opinion leaders... All those who have recently decided the fate of the world.

The world is changing so fast and so much that the elites of yesterday may very soon be lost and forgotten.

They represent the State in its worst sense - as an instrument of total control in their own self-interest. In effect, they replaced normal capitalism with an unnatural mixture of socialism and totalitarianism. They should always have advantages and exist over the system!

Klaus Martin Schwab, president of the Forum, said that the elections would soon disappear and that artificial intelligence would take over the management functions. It sounds beautiful, of course... However, one should not forget that AI is not an impartial instrument. He is taught, given knowledge and skills, ideas about right and wrong actions, about good and bad.

And what do you think its creators will teach him?

It won’t be free capitalism and libertarianism! I’m afraid we’re going to get another version of a dictatorship, a dictatorship in the interest of a small elite.

The only way to counter the "new dictatorship" is through decentralization. Modern governance requires elites as decision-makers. Decentralization would make them and States redundant.

The world is changing very quickly and it is impossible to predict what the next forum will be or whether it will ever be.

#WEF2024 #GlobalElites #DecentralizationRevolution #AIandGovernance #FutureOfWorldEconomy


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