Artificial Intelligence and the Global Economy: Who's Riding Whom in 2025?
It seems like AI is everywhere today: in your smartphone, on the stock exchange, in your bank, and even in your refrigerator (if it's smarter than you are in the morning). AI is not just penetrating the global economy, it's already dictating the rules of the game. And here are a few thoughts on what this means for all of us.
We're used to thinking of AI as "something complicated" that works somewhere in data centers and analyzes boring data. But now agent’s AI is coming onto the scene — these are no longer just algorithms, but independent digital assistants that can make decisions and adapt to changes without constant modifications from humans.
In 2025, the main business trend will be trust-centricity. And this is not just a buzzword. We live in a world where there is a lot of information and little trust. People are tired of aggressive marketing and want to see that companies really care about them, and not just about profit. Interestingly, AI plays an important role here too: it helps make businesses transparent, improve customer experience, and even identify fraudulent schemes. The irony is that in order to trust companies, we need to trust their AI.
If banks used to be the “whale” players in the economy, now tech giants have entered the arena. Apple, Google, Amazon — they are no longer just companies, they are creating their own financial ecosystems. And this is not just competition for services, it is a fight for the most valuable thing — customer data.
But who will win? Banks with their experience or big tech with innovations? Most likely, we will see a merger of two worlds, where banks will be forced to adapt, and tech companies will be forced to create financial products.
2025 is not just about technology. It is about the transformation of the very essence of the economy. AI ceases to be a tool and becomes a partner: for business, for the state, and even for us, ordinary people.
We are on the threshold of a new era where trust, data and smart algorithms will drive the global economy forward. And the main question is no longer “to be afraid or not”, but “how to use these changes to your advantage?”
#AI #economy #business
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