What is going on with the economy?


What is going on with the economy? Many of us understand from our own experience that the world economy is not going through the best time. You have to work harder to keep your standard of living. What is the reason of the negative processes, and what can we do to survive the difficult times with dignity?

In the article I explained the main cause of economic troubles, and whether it is worth waiting for a global crisis. Let me say at the outset that, in my opinion and in the opinion of the world’s leading economists, a crisis is inevitable. It is a reality that we have to reckon with.

The main drivers of the crisis will be outlying government and corporate debt, as well as the associated inflation. Public debt means that every citizen will have to give a part of his income to creditors, and inflation comes to us by rising prices and depreciating savings; 

Can the crisis be resisted? 

Unfortunately, not. You, for example, cannot prevent bad weather, but you can prepare for it. 

The crisis is the inevitable consequence of the modern fiat economy. As long as it takes the lead, crises are inevitable. However, there are alternatives. A real solution is to move to a cryptocurrency economy…

Details are provided in the article in Telegraph!

#economy #crisis


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