25 years in prison for SBF

The FTX crypto-exchange epic is over for its former Sam Bankman-Fried. The final was a sad one - SBF will have to spend 25 years in prison. However, there is a chance that he will get out earlier, but in any case, he will pay a significant part of his life for mistakes.

As the process progressed, I changed my attitude towards SBF.

At first, I was convinced that the charges were unfair and that he was being prosecuted on false charges. However, there were testimonies of witnesses, facts were given, and these facts showed at least incorrect actions.

And then I thought that the SBF’s actions were dictated by his infantilism. Imagine a big kid who got a cool toy. He will admire, play, but one day do something destructive. Like ripping the head off a teddy bear or just trading a classmate for something else. There were frankly stupid acts that seemed to confirm my conclusion. For example, a threatening call to a witness during a trial is an emotional and childish act.

However, this impression was misleading. There were witnesses who claimed that the SBF, along with the image maker, worked hard on the image of a cunning and naive cryptomaniac. Then there were new facts confirming fully conscious actions on transfer of money from clients to controlled accounts. My attitude became more and more negative. I do not like it when someone deceives people who trust him. This was a hoax.

And then came sympathy. 

After all, a man simply could not stand the test of big money. Imagine, billions of dollars suddenly appeared in your hands. They don’t belong to you, but you do. Do you have any idea what a temptation it is? Are you sure you would have coped with it?

SBF was wrong. However, I do not believe that the state should investigate the business in such detail. I would support it if SBF were to pursue cheated customers, however, it did not happen. So, wish him luck!

#FTXScandal #SBFBehindBars #CryptoJustice #MistakesHaveConsequences #MoneyAndTemptation


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