Regulation of the business: do we need it?

Quite often the question arises: where is the right balance between free business and government control of business?

The answer is very simple: ideally, business freedom should be unrestricted.

Freedom is the natural state of humans and the same natural state of any business. Any restrictions are contrary to human nature.

The other thing is that we live in an imperfect world, and it is simply not technically or psychologically possible to ensure full freedom for everyone at once.  The road to freedom is a long and inevitable process.   


People have lived in non-freedom for so long, preferring to obey someone else’s will rather than take responsibility, that it will take time to adapt to the "world of free people". On the other hand, absolute freedom has no limitations. If a person feels more comfortable in a subordinate position, it is his free choice and he has the right to implement it.

The argument is sometimes made for the successes of totalitarian regimes in a mobilizing economy and for arguing that autocracy can compete with freedom and even demonstrate high efficiency.

The example is incorrect, because the success of even totalitarian regimes is due to people who enjoy a degree of freedom. They organize the production, thanks to the talent of these people the economy grows... and now imagine that such people are not a few and tens, but millions.


It turns out to be a pattern: the higher the level of freedom of business, the more successful the state.

Does business need regulation by state?

Surely, government regulation is not needed. How can you make decisions about business without being a professional in this business? On the other hand, consensus-based regulation by professionals may become necessary. Business itself will find opportunities to regulate, but it must happen without violence, in the mildest form.

#BusinessFreedom #GovernmentControl #FreedomVsRegulation #EconomicFreedom #ConsensusRegulation


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