
Сообщения за декабрь, 2023
Unlocking the Future Lado Okhotnikov explores the untapped potential of AI and shares insights on making it soar beyond text and images! Why isn't AI reaching its peak? Discover the answers and the role of language models from the Founder of Meta Force.   #AIInnovation #FutureTech #LadoOkhotnikov #MetaForce #AIpotential
Who controls the Bitcoin exchange rate? At the time of writing this post the Bitcoin rate is about $43K. Most recently, I wrote a post at a rate of $25K. What happened during these two-three months? The most interesting thing is that nothing really happened. Only, there are more and more rumors that Bitcoin-ETF will soon be approved. However, rumors do not affect fundamental processes. Note how Bitcoin grew. It grows discreetly: it will stand a little, grows, and again stands on the "shelf". I think we have a beautiful market manipulation process ahead of us. Cryptocurrency is now becoming the perfect target for manipulators. The market is nervous, capitalization is small, and the dynamics can be influenced by information injections.  In parallel, there is a process of monopolization of control over the crypto business. Binance has actually come under the control of the authorities, it is possible to reincarnate FTX, but with a different level of control. I would consider the
Unveiling the Cryptocurrency Frontier: Vladimir Okhotnikov Explores the Path to a Fair Financial System Dive into the digital chaos with insights from Vladimir Okhotnikov on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Is decentralization the solution for a just financial system? #CryptoRevolution #DecentralizationDebate #FinancialInnovation #BlockchainFuture #InvestmentOpportunities  
Regulation of the business: do we need it? Quite often the question arises: where is the right balance between free business and government control of business? The answer is very simple: ideally, business freedom should be unrestricted. Freedom is the natural state of humans and the same natural state of any business. Any restrictions are contrary to human nature. The other thing is that we live in an imperfect world, and it is simply not technically or psychologically possible to ensure full freedom for everyone at once.  The road to freedom is a long and inevitable process.                                                                                                 People have lived in non-freedom for so long, preferring to obey someone else’s will rather than take responsibility, that it will take time to adapt to the "world of free people". On the other hand, absolute freedom has no limitations. If a person feels more comfortable in a subordinate position, it is his f
Exploring the Future: Vladimir Okhotnikov on Metaverse Security Get insights into the potential security challenges in the upcoming Metaverse revolution. Vladimir Okhotnikov sheds light on the dark side, emphasizing the need for preparedness. How can we navigate the evolving landscape? #MetaverseSecurity #CyberCrime #DigitalFuture #DarkMetauniverse #TechInnovationChallenge  
Hopes for Bitcoin ETF: how do they affect the crypto market? Today, the crypto business, if not already caught in the trap of high expectations, is coming to it. Remember how many rumors there were that the SEC would almost approve Bitcoin-ETF tomorrow? Well, if not tomorrow, then next week - exactly. Serious analysts pretended to know exactly the inside from the commission, which was almost ready to give approval.  The market listened carefully to such speeches and reacted immediately. If there was optimism in influencers' words, the price of Bitcoin immediately went up. If there were doubts, Bitcoin would fall. Rumors were the main driver of the market. The growth was largely determined by the expectation of the imminent release of the ETF, the entry into traditional exchanges and the arrival in the crypto business of serious conservative investors. And this is the kind of money that makes cryptocurrencies look like a schoolboy’s pocket money. Do you have any idea what would happ
AI: Who will be the leader? The artificial intelligence race has begun. Today, Bloomberg announced that OpenAI is in talks with investors, intending to attract $100bln investments. If it does work, OpenAI will take the second place among startups in terms of attracted investments, behind only SpaceX. OpenAI has made a serious bid for leadership. It looks like an epic artificial intelligence race is ahead of us. In general, the theme of AI is extremely topical. There are many concerns about it, including predicting the coming apocalypse. I believe that the creation of Skynet from the world of Terminator is still very, very far away.  We now use the term "artificial intelligence". In a way, it’s misleading, making you imagine some intelligent machine, a real supermind. In fact, "artificial intelligence" is a technical term for a particular set of characteristics of a software product.  What is being developed is not an imitation of human thinking. In any case, so far
December 27, 2008 — the concept of "bit gold" emerges. Nick Szabo looks at the process where the "customer puzzle function", "secure benchmark function" or "proof of work function” (POW) are involved On this day, Nick Szabo, a cryptographer and expert in the field of digital currencies, introduced the concept of “bit gold” - a digital analogue of gold that has its properties. Nick's concept of bit gold revolves around the idea of using digital tokens or "bits" as an alternative form of money. Szabo proposes that these digital tokens have properties similar to gold - limited supply and resistance to inflation. Key ideas: — Mining bit gold requires solving a cryptographic puzzle, which verifies the “work” done and prevents fraud. — Like gold, this effectively limits the mining rate and total amount of bit-gold. — Due to cryptography, bit gold cannot be counterfeited or transferred without the owner’s permission, which makes it a reliable
The state takes control of crypto business I’m seriously concerned about trends in the crypto business. On the surface, the situation looks quite positive: Bitcoin is growing, the SEC does not take any extraordinary actions, the US government has agreed with Binance, and is unlikely to continue to pursue the exchange. It would seem possible to forget about the problems associated with regulation and quietly go into business. However, not everything is so simple, if you look closely, the events will seem very disturbing. Satoshi Nakamoto began working with bitcoin for non-commercial, rather ideological, reasons. Now they may seem naive, but at the same time, we must not forget his original ideas. From a user’s perspective, the main features of the very first Blockchain are as follows: anonymity, the impossibility of cancelling transactions, the impossibility of blocking user Wallets, and the absence of financial intermediaries like banks. This contrasted sharply with what the banking in
Unlocking the Virtual Realms: Exploring Gamification in Metaverses with Vladimir Okhotnikov - Navigating the Balance Between Engagement and Dystopia Gamification in the Metaverses  involves the use of game elements and techniques  (bonuses, points, levels, achievements) in a virtual environment to stimulate interest, motivation and involvement of users. The main idea is to increase motivation to come here again and again, creating a positive experience in applications and services. However, if gamification is used without proper control, it leads to addiction, loss of interest in personal life, and in general, serves as a driver of the so-called dystopia, when social isolation and emotional problems begin to prevail over a person who is passionate about virtual reality. Vladimir Okhotnikov will tell you what kind of game elements and techniques are used in virtual reality, as well as what problems may be encountered along the way. #MetaverseGamification #VirtualRealityBalance #Gamifica
Warren Buffett Secretly Bought Crypto Through Nubank Despite Harsh Criticism of Bitcoin According to insider information, investor and billionaire Warren Buffett secretly acquired cryptocurrency through the Brazilian fintech startup Nubank. This happened despite harsh statements from Buffett, who called Bitcoin a “mirage”. Buffett previously called cryptocurrency “ rat poison squared ” and those who attract money into this area are “ shady characters ” who are trying to take advantage of the naivety and greed of people who dream of getting rich as easily as those whom they don’t even know. At the same time, they themselves often have a poor understanding of what they are investing in. Warren Buffett, known as the "Oracle of Omaha", is one of the most successful investors in history. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns a fairly large portfolio, which includes shares of Coca-Cola, Apple, and Bank of America. The billionaire earned the nickname due to his incredible ability to
Exploring the Metaverse with Vladimir Okhotnikov Dive  into the fascinating realm where digital meets reality. Vladimir Okhotnikov, a crypto investor and IT expert, shares insights on the evolution of Metaverse as a Digital Copy of Reality. #MetaverseTech #DigitalReality #BlockchainInnovation #FutureTech #VladimirOkhotnikov
Exciting News in the Metaverse Forget About Useless NFTs – Meta Force unveils  Lado Okhotnikov’s Tactile Program , a groundbreaking concept merging virtual & real worlds for REAL income! #TactileProgram #MetaForce #NFTRevolution #CryptoEarnings #VirtualRealityMagic
Tether leaves the crypto community When we talk about cryptocurrencies, we imagine something independent, free from traditional finance. This is true, but only for certain cryptocurrencies that are fully decentralized. A fine example is Bitcoin. This is really a classic cryptocurrency, almost independent from the intervention of third parties, including developers. Indeed, the impossibility of such interference was embedded in the original ideas of Satoshi Nakamoto. That was the main ideological principle, and the blockchain helped put it into practice. We now see that principle being violated. CEO of Tether (USDT) Paolo Ardoino stated that he aims to become a world-class partner of the US to help "expand US$ hegemony". As a real "help", Tether froze $435M in user wallets at the request of American law enforcement.  Tether stated that it considered such a policy a sign of foresight and vigilance. In fact, this is an excellent example of short-sighted politics. The c
Crypto Business Prospects If you look at the press regarding the crypto business, you can note two main topics under discussion: crypto exchange rates and the actions of regulators. It seems that the whole crypto business is reduced to exchange transactions, and all the other projects just serve these flows. At the same time, the regulators struggle to take full control of the crypto business. We do not believe that fiat money is needed only to exchange one currency for another. The meaning of finance is much broader. The meaning and capabilities of cryptocurrencies are also much wider than what we have now. The vast majority of projects involve purely financial transactions. Bitcoin ETF is number one. The crypto community is looking forward to his approval. Of course, this may lead to an appreciation of Bitcoin, but the project will not add to the cryptocurrency an important property namely utility. ETF is just a package that allows you to sell Bitcoin on regular exchanges. It broaden
  Plans Discussed and the Educational Program Presented — a Large Meeting of Meta Force Participants in Indonesia On December 17, 2023, the Meta Force community held a large event in the city of Bandung, West Java Province, Indonesia. The event attracted the attention of more than 2,000 participants. The event brought together crypto enthusiasts and all those who see the future in cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. For six whole hours, participants communicated, shared ideas and studied educational materials together with Meta Force leaders. The event marked a growing interest in the community in Indonesia and the region as a whole.  “ Absolutely everyone demonstrated genuine interest in our programs, which are primarily aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills ,” said Meta Force founder Lado Okhotnikov about the meeting that united this movement for positive change. From the very beginning, there was an atmosphere of optimism about the future of cryptocurrencies at the forum
  Vladimir Okhotnikov on artificial intelligence as a new marketing trend In the foreseeable future we will see a full-fledged artificial intelligence capable of fairly accurately emulating human thinking. Let us not dwell on the problems and risks of this process, this is an issue of a separate and very serious study. Let’s focus on an applied problem: how AI is applicable for managing such large and complex systems as Metaverse. #artificialintelligence #Metaverse #ITsystems
Meta Force Unveils Marketplace Force as Lado Okhotnikov Initiates NFT Trading In a celebration of the inauguration of Force Marketplace, Lado Okhotnikov is bestowing NFTs upon program participants, heralding a new era of unique digital assets available for collection and trade. "These unparalleled financial opportunities mark a significant milestone in our journey," declared the Meta Force founder in a recent statement. The introduction of the marketplace underscores Meta Force's position at the forefront of innovation and the evolution of digital assets. Okhotnikov emphasized that this is merely the inception, affirming the team's dedication to pushing the boundaries of the virtual ecosystem. #MetaForceLaunch #NFTTrading #CryptoNews #MarketplaceForce #LadoOkhotnikov #DigitalArt #BlockchainRevolution #InnovationUnleashed #CryptoCommunity #StayConnected  
Navigating Argentina's Economic Crossroads: The Dollarization Dilemma I am not letting go of my beloved Argentina. Why beloved? Because here will be a very interesting economic experiment. Usually, any drug, before entering the market, passes many tests. That is, first make sure of its effectiveness and safety. It would be insane to take a new active substance and immediately direct it to pharmacies. We can’t even imagine what kind of long-term complications this drug could have, what hidden side effects - it takes a lot of experimentation and years of work to figure it all out. The Argentine economy now urgently needs medicine. Moreover, the drug must be powerful and extraordinary, as all traditional methods of treatment have already been tried. The big question, though, is it possible to test a fairly risky remedy on millions of Argentines?  Let me remind you, Argentina is a country with a huge external debt and inflation of 160% per year. The previous government failed to meet e