
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2023
There Are Moments When a Decision Is Made Аnd It Can Be Еither Right or Wrong. Sometimes This Understanding Comes Only After the Step Has Already Been Taken.   How to evaluate whether a decision was made right or wrong before you make it? Sometimes an internal conflict is created in the expectation that every action can be done right or wrong. In fact, no one is 100% sure whether to do this or that. It is important not to get hung up on this and not to think about whether this or that action will bring well-being. It happens that simply by doing something, we already benefit ourselves and those around us, without even thinking about the ideality of each step. In one of his speeches at Christ University in Bangalore, Sadhguru inspired with his mentorship by saying the following: Questions about what is considered right and wrong have occupied the minds of people for many centuries, and everyone has his or her own opinion on this. Sometimes those who claim to follow morality may engage i
New episode of Meta Event   Bloomberg announced the filming of a new episode of Meta Event, which is dedicated to the launch of the Ecosystem with 4 elements of Meta Force: Uniteverse, Tactile, Boost, Overreal. #Bloomberg #MetaEvent #EcosystemLaunch #MetaForce #LadoOkhotnikov
  What affects the exchange rate of cryptocurrencies If you read "cryptocurrency" analyst, you can notice an interesting trend: a year ago, the main factors influencing cryptocurrency rates were rumors, various actions of regulators, statements of officials and other events, not always associated with the crypto market.  For the last six months, the market has been waiting for Bitcoin-ETF. One of the influential people said something optimistic, and the market is growing, another said skeptically, and the market is falling. And now, pay attention - analysts say that the market is growing because America’s interest rate is expected to decline. What does that mean? This means that cryptocurrencies, and especially Bitcoin, are no longer a separate part of the economy. More recently, the whole crypto business stood on the side, isolated in itself.  Everything that happened in the crypto had no effect on the rest of the economy, and vice versa. This makes sense, in fact, the entir
  Binance: final or new start? The Binance epic seems to be coming to an end. In the United States, a judge banned the former head of crypto exchange Changpeng Zhao from leaving the United States at least until February 2024. Zhao and US authorities have just concluded an agreement under which he resigns and pays astronomical fines together with the exchange. It is difficult for me to speculate about the reasons why Zhao voluntarily appeared in the American court: tired of resisting, understood the futility of the struggle, worried about the fate of the company... The fact remains that the US has won against Binance. The market with the suspicious calm accepted the problems of Binance. Everyone seems to have started planning for the future without Zhao. And it is sad. I will tell you honestly, from a moral point of view I do not care whether Zhao complied with any corporate laws and political requirements. The main thing: was he a scammer? No. Did he make his clients poorer? No. Someon
  Argentina again! Tango on the economy I’m going back to my beloved Argentina. I confess I love its new president, Javier Milei. This guy is astonishing with his immediacy and his level of cynicism (so much needed for statesmen). According to him, one of the main lines of his electoral program was to abandon the national currency in favor of the dollar and close the Central Bank as an unnecessary organization. The world stood still, waiting for an unforgettable spectacle.  If you use an associative analogy, imagine: you have a car, and it has obvious engine problems. Growls, shoots and spends gasoline like a truck. All the problems because you have not served it well. And then you finally decided to do it. Go to the car service? No, it’s too easy! You decided to just throw out the old engine and put a new... from the helicopter. And do you think your car will fly? Or will it go very fast? Obviously not. However, finance is a delicate matter, and maybe something would have … However, i
Regulation To Catch Up with Social Networks Too. Vladimir Okhotnikov Knows What Will Happen To The Global Internet It is important to find a balance between regulation and Internet freedom to ensure the safety of users, especially children, and the protection of their data, while maintaining the core principles of openness and globality. The future of social media remains promising and it will continue to evolve in response to changing needs and technological capabilities. Now everything is going to the point that the problems that existed a few years ago have become irrelevant. However, there is a reason for this, because real prospects for Metaverses have appeared on the horizon.   #SocialNetworks #Internetfreedom #VladimirOkhotnikov
Who Attracts Money: The One Who Knows What He or She Is Doing. The Оne Who Completed All Stages and Didn’t Get Scared and Didn’t Say, “It Doesn’t Work, It’s Probably Not for Me” You will be faced with the fact that difficulties will arise at the start - everything new often seems difficult. These challenges appear because you have not done anything like this before. This is how the learning process begins. If something doesn't work out the first time, don't be discouraged. This is fine. When you experience failure, you may think that this is not for you, but success comes to those who do not stop. Setbacks in your personal life and lack of support from others can be difficult, but it is important to know what you want. If you see the big picture and realize that you are not alone in your difficulties, then by moving forward and not giving up, you will find success. All this is similar to how a child is taught to speak, walk, write, read - all this takes time. And you cannot mas
  USDТ + Argentina, is It a Future? Argentina made headlines after the election. New charismatic president during the pre-election campaign promised to carry out radical and controversial reforms. Among the proposals are: liquidation of the Central Bank, renunciation of the national currency and transition to the American dollar. At first glance, everything sounds too revolutionary to be true. Indeed, dismantling the Central Bank would require international coordination, as Argentina was too dependent on international financial institutions. However, the experiment with the transition to the dollar may well take place. Moreover, it is already underway, and is going quite successfully. Right now you can pay with USDT stablecoins In the central market of Buenos Aires. Most traders are willing to accept them. And it’s not just a private initiative, but a joint project between Tether and the KriptonMarket platform to tokenize the farm market. The fact that traders easily accepted crypto is
  Is Your Head Spinning? Are You Stressed Out at Work? Then Take a Break and Read My Message   Why do many people avoid network marketing and hesitate to start making money? In fact, most reject the idea due to disagreement with the potential of the niche. People simply don't realize the opportunities that the industry provides today.   Many people would be happy to improve their quality of life. When they see that someone drives an expensive car, flies on vacation several times a year, buys expensive things and gives nice gifts to loved ones, they ask the question: “What do you do?”   And as soon as it’s said that network business gave all this, people immediately brush it off, claiming that it’s “not for them”.   You should ask: “What’s for you then? What are you doing now? Many are simply stuck in a vicious circle: from morning to evening they sweat their guts out at work for a minimum wage, remaining in stagnation, not wanting to change anything.   It is imp
  Another story with scammers In the United States, authorities captured about $9M in the USDT, belonging to the organized scammers. Recently, a significant amount of scammers' funds have been confiscated, and this case has only caught my attention because it has been used, in my opinion, one of the most heinous criminal techniques. The attackers created several dozens of sites simulating the operation of crypto-currency exchanges. Such crypto exchange attracted clients who invested significant amounts. In order to keep customers on the exchange for as long as possible and invest new and new funds, trusting, friendly and sometimes romantic relationships have been established with them. The methods of social engineering made it easy to build trust and persuade people to pay as much as possible. Well, how can you not listen to a friendly recommendation or even a request from such a nice girl or romantic man... The customers waited in vain to arrive: the intruders quickly disappeared
  Sunset of Binance. Or not yet? A few months ago, I wrote that the American administration had no intention of destroying Binance. They could have done so without much difficulty, it is enough to put into full force the tools of legal prosecution and sanctions. Another path was chosen: constant legal pressure in all directions and personal interaction with the top managers of the company. This strategy led to real results: Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance agreed to fulfill an American ultimatum, resign and pay huge fines. It’s called good work, however relevant. Let’s admit that Binance was the most independent of the major crypto exchanges. It was quite loyal to the users from the point of view of KYC-policy, in words agreed, and in fact ignored American sanctions. Moreover, they did not listen to informal advice and recommendations. In today’s world, it is dangerous to ignore the wishes of super-Powers. Changpeng Zhao has shown himself to be a man of character, but he also failed to r
  Finally the riddle, asked by CZ, has been solved In the photo Changpeng Zhao demonstrates how much he will have to pay in the lawsuit - the US government is demanding more than $4 billion from Binance to terminate the criminal case. The Department of Justice is investigating the case against Binance. The company is accused of money laundering, using funds of customers, helping evade US sanctions. These are quite serious statements, so Binance has not yet responded to requests or commented. Considering the fact that the Binance crypto exchange ranked sixth in the Global Unicorn Index 2022 report in 2022, the company was valued at $45 billion. Such a huge fine could greatly shake the already fragile crypto market. #binance #btc #cz #sec #crypto
  There Are Risks in Any Business and You Can't Run Away from Them   Friends, I’d like to talk about risks in business, which is very important issue.   We are all looking for reliable and stable income. But you need to understand one thing - risks are present in any activity. Even working as a waiter or copywriter you are not insured from force majeure.   Let's take the office administrator for example. It would seem like quiet work in the office. But this person is responsible for the company’s values and resolves conflicts with clients. At any moment something can go wrong.   Or let's take an experienced businessman. He or she has everything calculated and smooth-running. However, one wrong decision and the entire business could collapse. There are always risks.   ☝ ️ What do I want to say? Any business comes with responsibility. And, as a rule, the higher the potential income, the higher the risks. You need to learn to accept and manage them. Then y
  It's Time for a Crypto Revolution: Vladimir Okhotnikov Disrupts Conventional Wisdom! Are you ready for a fresh perspective on the future of crypto? Look no further! Vladimir Okhotnikov, a renowned expert in the field, is here to challenge the common narratives and share his unique vision. In the latest release on Newsbreak, Vladimir Okhotnikov presents an alternative viewpoint on whether crypto will rise or fall. Buckle up and get ready for a mind-opening ride as you dive into a thought-provoking exploration of the crypto world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to broaden your horizons and stay one step ahead in the crypto game! #CRYPTOREVOLUTION #VLADIMIROKHOTNIKOV #REDEFININGCRYPTO
Crypto is killing the dishonest market: Vladimir Okhotnikov knows which realtors will be left without work Every day, I find joy in the advancements in blockchain technology. Apart from the obvious features, they also prove useful in business and marketing.   I was pleasantly surprised to find that 44 out of 100 large businesses are already using these innovations.   Blockchain technology plays a critical role in promoting products and retaining customers. Cryptocurrency is now integrated into loyalty programs, and you may not have noticed how tokens make it easier to buy, sell, and store digital currency, as well as transfer to external wallets.   Additionally, using blockchain allows for seamless authentication. How this works is described in detail in this article. And this is very good news for honest buyers and collectors. They will be able to enjoy genuine products with confidence in their authenticity.   With the introduction of digital tags on the blockchain,